Top 10 Strongest Dog Bite Force

Dogs are known for their loyalty, companionship, and varied breeds, each with its unique traits. Among these traits, one that often sparks curiosity is the bite force. Measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), a dog’s bite force is a testament to its strength and hunting capability.

Understanding which breeds possess the strongest bite force can offer insights into their behavior, history, and suitability for various roles, from guardianship to companionship. In this article, we delve into the top 10 Strongest Dog Bite Force, showcasing the impressive power these canines hold.

Dog Breeds With The Strongest Bite Force

When it comes to canine strength, one of the most fascinating aspects to explore is the bite force of different dog breeds. Bite force, measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). It varies significantly across breeds and influenced by factors such as jaw structure, muscle mass, and overall size.

top 10 strongest dog bite force

Some dogs have breed specifically for their powerful bites, which historically aided in hunting, protection, and guarding. In this article, we take look at the top 10 dog breeds with the strongest bite forces, revealing the incredible strength and capabilities that lie behind their friendly or formidable exteriors. A dog enthusiast or considering a breed for protection, understanding these powerful bites can provide valuable insights.

Top 10 Dog Breeds With The Strongest Jaws

1. Kangal – The Kangal, also known as the Kangal Shepherd Dog, is a large and powerful breed originating from Turkey. Known for its protective instincts, loyalty, and strength, the Kangal primarily used as a livestock guardian dog, protecting flocks from predators like wolves and bears. Here’s some more information about the Kangal:



  • Size: Kangals are large dogs, with males typically weighing between 110-145 pounds and females between 90-120 pounds.
  • Appearance: They have a robust and muscular build with a dense double coat that is usually pale tan or sable with a black mask.
  • Temperament: Known for their calm and controlled demeanor, Kangals are very protective and loyal to their families and flocks. They are intelligent and independent, often assessing situations before taking action.
  • Lifespan: They typically live between 12-15 years.
  • Bite Force: 743 PSI 

2. Bandog – The Bandog, a term historically used to describe various types of guard dogs, is a muscular and powerful breed known for its impressive bite force. Originating from medieval Europe, the Bandog bred for protection, guarding property, and acting as a deterrent against intruders. The modern Bandog is typically a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neapolitan Mastiff, among other breeds, aiming to combine strength, loyalty, and tenacity.


One of the most remarkable features of the Bandog is its bite force, which often cited as one of the strongest among dog breeds. Bite force measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), a unit of pressure that quantifies the power behind a dog’s bite. Bandogs can exert a bite force estimated to range between 500 to 700 PSI. This immense power makes them formidable protectors and effective guard dogs.

  • Bite Force: 730 PSI 

Dog Breeds With The Strongest Bite Force

3. Cane Corso – The Cane Corso, a majestic and powerful breed originating from Italy, renowned for its impressive bite force, which one of the strongest among dog breeds. Bite force is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), and the Cane Corso’s bite force estimated to be around 700 PSI. This immense power makes the Cane Corso an exceptional guard dog and a formidable protector.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso’s bite force is a result of its robust jaw structure, muscular build, and selective breeding over centuries. Descended from Roman war dogs, the breed has been honed for strength and tenacity, enabling it to perform various tasks, from guarding property to hunting large game. The powerful bite of the Cane Corso is not only a testament to its physical capabilities but also to its historical role as a protector and hunter.

  • Bite Force: 700 PSI 

4. Dogue de Bordeaux – Also known as the French Mastiff, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a muscular and powerful breed. They known for their calm demean or and protective nature, with a strong bite force that reflects their sturdy build.

This breed’s bite force estimated to be around 556 pounds per square inch (PSI), placing it among the strongest of all dog breeds. Such a formidable bite force is a reflection of the Dogue de Bordeaux’s muscular build, robust jaw structure, and historical role as a guard and working dog.

  • Bite Force: 556 PSI 
dogue de bordeaux

Strongest And Most Powerful Dog Breeds

5. Tosa Inu – The Tosa Inu a rare Japanese breed originally bred for dog fighting. They possess a strong bite force and a calm, reserved temperament, making them effective guard dogs and loyal companions.

The Tosa Inu, often simply referred to as the Tosa, is a breed originating from Japan, known for its formidable bite force and imposing presence. The bite force of a Tosa Inu is estimated to be around 556 pounds per square inch (PSI), placing it among the breeds with the strongest bites. This impressive bite force is a result of the breed’s muscular build, robust jaw structure, and its historical development as a fighting dog.

Tosa Inu

It was bred in the Tosa Province (now part of modern-day Kōchi Prefecture) during the mid-19th century. The breed was developed by crossing native Japanese dogs with various Western breeds such as the Mastiff, Bulldog, and Great Dane.

  • Bite Force: 556 PSI 

6. English Mastiff – The English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds in the world, known for their gentle and protective nature. Their significant bite force, combined with their imposing size, makes them excellent family guardians.

The bite force of an English Mastiff estimated to be around 552 pounds per square inch (PSI), making it one of the strongest among dog breeds. This considerable bite force is a reflection of the breed’s massive build, strong jaws, and historical role as a guard and working dog.

English Mastiff

Physically, the English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds, with males typically weighing between 160-230 pounds and females between 120-170 pounds. They stand tall at the shoulders, often reaching 27-30 inches in height. Their massive heads, broad shoulders, and muscular bodies contribute to their powerful bite. The breed’s jaw structure is designed to exert significant pressure, making it capable of delivering a formidable bite.

  • Bite Force: 552 PSI 

What Dog Has The Strongest Bite?

7. Dogo Argentino – The Dogo Argentino, a breed originating from Argentina, renowned for its impressive bite force and formidable presence. Their strong bite force aids them in taking down large prey, and their loyalty and protective instincts make them excellent guard dogs. So its is remarked as one of the Strongest Dog Bite Force.

The bite force of a Dogo Argentino estimated to be around 500 to 600 pounds per square inch (PSI), reflecting the breed’s powerful jaws and muscular build. This substantial bite force makes the Dogo Argentino a formidable guardian and protector.

  • Bite Force: 500 PSI 
Dogo Argentino

8. Leonberger – The Leonberger is a large and majestic breed known for its impressive size and gentle temperament. With a bite force estimated at around 400 to 500 pounds per square inch (PSI), the Leonberger combines significant physical power with a calm and friendly demeanor. This considerable bite force reflects the breed’s robust jaw structure and muscular build, essential for its historical roles as a guard and working dog.

Physically, the Leonberger is known for its large size and imposing presence. Males typically weigh between 110-170 pounds and females between 90-140 pounds. They stand around 25.5-31.5 inches tall at the shoulder. The breed’s strong jaws, combined with its broad shoulders and muscular frame, contribute to its notable bite force. Despite this strength, the Leonberger is known for its gentle nature and affectionate temperament.

  • Bite Force: 399 PSI 

Dogs With The Strongest Bite

9. Rottweiler – The Rottweiler is a powerful and confident breed renowned for its strength and protective nature. One of the most notable features of the Rottweiler is its impressive bite force. It estimated to be around 328 to 330 pounds per square inch (PSI). This substantial bite force indicative of the breed’s robust jaw structure and muscular build, contributing to its effectiveness as a guard dog.


Originating from Germany, the Rottweiler was historically used for herding cattle and pulling carts. Its name derives from the town of Rottweil, where it was employed as a butchers’ dog. Helping to drive livestock to market and guard the premises. The breed’s powerful bite was essential for its working roles. It providie the strength needed to handle cattle and protect against potential threats.

  • Bite Force: 328 PSI 

10. American Bulldog – The American Bulldog’s bite force is estimated to be around 305 to 400 pounds per square inch (PSI). This significant bite force is due to their strong, well-developed jaws and muscular neck. Historically, this power was essential for the breed’s working roles, including bull-baiting and guarding livestock.

The powerful bite force and muscular build reflect its historical roles as a working dog. With proper training, socialization, and care, this breed can be a loyal and affectionate family companion, combining strength and versatility with a loving nature.

  • Bite Force: 305 PSI 
American Bulldog

These Dog Bites By Breed demonstrate the remarkable power and strength inherent in their genetics and breeding. While bite force is a significant trait, it is essential to consider temperament, training, and socialization to fully appreciate these magnificent dogs.


The bite force of a dog is a remarkable aspect of its anatomy. Reflecting both its evolutionary history and its role in human society. From the formidable Kangal to the robust Rottweiler, these breeds exhibit a blend of strength, loyalty, and protection. While a strong bite force can be an indicator of a dog’s power. It is crucial to remember that temperament, training, and socialization play significant roles in their behavior.

By understanding and respecting these powerful Top 10 Strongest Dog Bite Force, we can foster safer, more harmonious relationships with our canine companions.

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