The IIT Madras released a notification for two new free artificial intelligence online courses, accessible for anyone interested in learning about the subject. The IIT Madras Offers Free Online Courses on AI on the NPTEL, which provides several free online courses scheduled to be launched in January by other IITs and IISc. These new free online artificial intelligence courses offered by IIT Madras are known as “AI: Constraint Satisfaction” and “Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.”
IIT Madras Offers Free Online Courses
Professor Deepak Khemani, a professor in the IT and engineering department, IT Madras, will be teaching these courses. He has graduated from IIT Bombay with a BTech degree in mechanical engineering and an IT-Madras letter.
The course can be taken free of charge, but to pass the exam and earn an electronic certificate from the IIT Madras and NPTEL Logistics students will have to pay an amount of rupees 1000.
IIT Madras Two Free Online Courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- AI: Constraint Satisfaction
This course aims to show applicants how challenges can be addressed in multiple ways. The lesson reflects on how AI is influenced by different approaches. The course is in association with AI: Search Methods for Problem Solving.
The curriculum of the course-
- Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP), examples.
- The Constraint networks, equivalent, and projection networks.
- Constraint propagation, arc consistency, path consistency, i-consistency.
- Graph ordering and Directional consistency, adaptive consistency, backtrack free search.
- Lookahead methods, value order, Search methods for solving CSPs, dynamic variable.
- conflict directed back jumping, graph-based backjumping, conflict directed back jumping, Lookback methods, Gaschnig’s back jumping. Combing lookahead with lookback, learning.
- Model-based diagnosis, truth maintenance systems, model-based systems, planning as CSP, model-based systems, Wrapping up.
In January 2024, the 8-week course begins. The test takes place on 21 March 2024. Applicants must have a score of at least 25% in the top six assignments.
- Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
This course aimed at encouraging applicants to overcome issues. For logic, it discusses different formalisms of representation and related algorithms. It intended for people who are familiar with official, programmatic, and logical languages.
This training intended to assist applicants in solving problems. It discusses different formalisms of representation and related reasoning algorithms. The course is intended for people who are familiar with formal, programmatic, and logical languages.
Curriculum Of Two Free Online Courses on AI
- Introduction, Propositional Logic, Syntax, and Semantics
- Tableau Method, Proof Systems, Natural Deduction, Tableau Method, Resolution Method.
- Forward Chaining, Syntax and Semantics, Unification, First-Order Logic (FOL).
- Rete example, Programming Rule-Based Systems, The Rete Algorithm.
- Representation in FOL, Reification, Categories, and Properties, Event Calculus.
- Backward Chaining, Deductive Retrieval, Logic Programming with Prolog
- FOL with Equality, Complexity of Theorem Proving, Resolution Refutation in FOL.
- Structure Matching, Description Logic (DL), Classification
- The ALC Language, Inheritance in Taxonomies, Extensions of DL.
- Default Reasoning, Circumscription, The Event Calculus Revisited
- Autoepistemic Logic, Epistemic Logic, Default Logic, Multi-Agent Scenarios
The 12-week course will commence from 18 January 2024 to 09 April 2024. The examination will take place on 24 April 2024. For more other updates and information check Timesalert.
Eligibility For IIT Madras Free Online Artificial Courses
Both courses would allow students to use artificial intelligence to gain skills in problem-solving. Though free and open to interested candidates, the IIT Madras Offers Free Online Courses on AI that also support students in computer science, BE, ME, MS, MSc, and Ph.D. The thesis will favor both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Participants must have some formal language knowledge, logic, programming, etc.
What does IIT Madras teach in Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses?
The students study the following subjects in the course: Introduction, Propositional Logic, Syntax and Semantics, CSPs (Constraint Satisfaction Problems), lookahead examples, CSPs search methods, look-out methods, dynamic variable, value-adding methods, Proof systems, Natural Deduction, Tableau method, and other similar matters.
How to take IIT Madras Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses?
Participants concerned can enroll on the official website of NPTEL. From 18 January to 9 April 2024, 12 week-long courses will commence. To register for the AI: Constraint Satisfaction course, candidates can visit this page.
The article about IIT Madras Offers Free Online Courses on AI has covered all the information regarding the two new free online courses on Artificial Intelligence put forward by IIT Madras.
Contents [hide]
- 1 IIT Madras Offers Free Online Courses
- 1.1 IIT Madras Two Free Online Courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- 1.2 Curriculum Of Two Free Online Courses on AI
- 1.3 Eligibility For IIT Madras Free Online Artificial Courses
- 1.4 What does IIT Madras teach in Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses?
- 1.5 How to take IIT Madras Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses?
- 1.6 Conclusion