How to use Mimu Bot Discord – Mimu Discord Bot Commands

How to add mimu bot to discord: Discord has been a terrific tool to establish communities among people whom we don’t even know yet share a shared interest with. This platform has worked as a strong bridge in digitally travelling the world and meeting new people and discovering and learning new things.

Introducing you to the Mimu bot, it is a fantastic piece of development largely focused on the cuter monetary system. The bot when seen in the first glimpse delivers an appealing, cute, and aesthetic look that rapidly captures attention. Also, check here for Hydra bot details and how to use it on discord.

Mimu Bot Discord Features

When it comes to the benefits rendered by the Mimu robot, the malware excels in serving its customers. The mimu bot has a fantastic crew that is supportive in every capacity. Being a mimu user, you can also request customer service to add any of the missing hotlinks for a particular nation and your request is instantly taken into consideration.

The bot is continuously at your service with a 24/7 working team, the rapid development of new features, and continuous deployment to help its users make the maximum use of the bot.

The bot, therefore, gives good and regular updates to its subscribers. The customer assistant also seems to be nice and quick to answer. Thus the bot must try out at least once on your server and you can make the best out of it.

Mimu Bot Discord Commands

Getting to its commands which any discord bot has, the commands here on Mimu are very straightforward ones that are easy to learn. Moreover, the bot also allows its customers the ability to develop their new Mimu Bot Discord Commands or to change the existing ones as per their preference. This feature has contributed to the rapid expansion of the mimu bot. Along with these, the bot also offers an incredible feature of the autoresponder for its users.

general commandsthese commands can be done by anyone
.balance <user>.balance .balance @iara#0001checks someone’s balance
.buy [product # or name in shop].buy 3 .buy flowersbuy something from shop
.clickmallow.clickmallowspam-click a marshmallow within a timeframe.
.coin flip [heads/tails] [value #].coinflip h 500 .coinflip head 50 .coinflip tails 100flip a coin and gamble
.drop [value #].drop 100drop an amount of to be picked
.help.helppreview help page
.give.give iara#0001 5 .give @iara#0001 flowers .give iara flowersgive away an amount of currency or an item
.leaderboard <page #>.leaderboard .leaderboard 1view leaderboard
.pet <user> <-remind>.pet .pet @iara#0001pet the bot or give away for or give to user
.pick.pickpick up dropped in the chat when Mimu prompts
.ping.pingpings the bot
.roll dice [value #].rolldice 5gambles a given sum of money; getting more than 64 lets you earn the amount bet, more than 90 lets you earn 3x, and 100 lets you earn 9x; otherwise, you lose the amount you bet.
.shop <page #>.shop .shop 2shows the server’s shop
.slots [amount #].slots 10play a game of slots betting your money
.snuggle <user> <-remind>.snuggle .snuggle iara#0001snuggle the bot or give away for or give to user
.suggest [suggestion].suggest Mimu should have more commandsinputs a suggestion to Mimu
pet/vote commandsThese commands either link to voting or require you to have pets (checked by .balance). Pets are bought in a global currency.
.feed <-remind>.feed .feed -remind .feed -rfeed your pet and extend its life; requires you to have food for your pet. optional parameter that gets mimu to remind you (in DMS) to feed your pet after 10 minutes.
.play <-remind>.playplay with your pet to extend its life
.playdate [user]>.playdate @iara#0001have a playdate with someone else’s pet!
.vote.votesends you the link to vote for mimu
.votes <claim/shop/buy>.votes claim .votes shop .votes buyallows you to claim, or check from voting, or check mimu’s booster pet shop, or buy from mimu’s booster pet shop.
configurable settingsthese commands require ‘Manage Server’ permissions
.set.setview current server settings
.set prefix [new prefix].set prefix 😕 .set prefix ~sets a new prefix
.set currency [new currency symbol].set currency :pizza: .set currency $sets a new currency symbol
.set startval [value #].set startval 100set new amount when joined
.set mallowval [value #].set mallowval 2set new amount each time someone clicks the mallow in click allow commands
.set daily valmax/workvalmin [value #].set daily valmax 150 .set daily valmin 30set new maximum and minimum amount given for snuggle command
.set workvalmax/workvalmin [value #].set workval 40 .set workvalmax 20set new maximum and minimum amount given for pet command
.set pick valmax/pick valmin [value #].set pickvalmax 20 .set pickvalmin 10set new maximum and minimum amount given for pick command when spawned
.set daily cooldown [mins #].set daily cooldown 6set new cooldown for snuggle command (in minutes)
.set work cooldown [mins #].set work cooldown 3set new cooldown for pet command (in minutes)
.set pick channels #channel.set pix channel #general-chat .set pick channels #general-2(toggles pick spawn) (plural or not plural is also okay for pick channel(s)) add or remove pick channels for .pick to spawn during active chatting, which can be picked by .pick
.set pickspeed [1-5/fastest/fast/medium/slow/slowest].set pickspeed 1 .set pickspeed fastesttoggles the frequency / speed of pickspawn. 1 for fastest, 5 for slowest; alternatively, type fastest – slowest
.set pickhard <on/off>.set pickhard .set pickhard off .set pickhard ontoggles the requirement of typing a hardcoded / password to pick the pick spawn.
.set blacklist #channel.set blacklist #general-chat .set blacklist #general-1 #general-2 #general-3(toggles blacklisting) blacklist(s) or unblacklists channel(s) that are mentioned
.set embed color #hexcode.set embed color #000000sets a color for majority of bot embeds
.set shop.set shop .set shop add .set shop removestarts the automated shop maker instructions, so you don’t have to use the long version of the command.
.set shop add/+ [price value #] [no. of product available #] [product name], <role>.set shop + 10 5 steam key .set shop add 10 0 flowers .set shop add 100 10 Cool, Cool Peopleadds something to the shop according to your configurations. number of product available: to make unlimited, type 0
.set shop remove/- [product name].set shop remove flowers .set shop remove steam key .set shop – Coolremoves a product from shop
.set auto delete <on/off>.set auto delete .set auto delete on .set auto delete offturn on or turn off your auto deletion of command invocations
.set advanced mode <on/off>.set advanced mode .set advanced mode on .set advanced mode offturn on or off advanced mode, which toggles the shop’s showing of item id
.set greetmsg [msg].set greetmsg welcome {user} to {server_name}! You are the {server_membercount_ordinal} member! .set greetmsg welcome {user} {embed:greet_embed}sets a greeting message. for all placeholders, refer to .help ar. can use one embed, create the embed using .embed command.
.set leave msg [msg].set leave msg bye {user_tag}, I won’t miss you.set a leave message. similar to greet msg.
.set greetchannel [#channel].set greetchannel #welcomeset a channel for greets to occur in.
.set leave channel [#channel].set leave channel #bye-byeset a channel for leave to occur in.
.set roleincome [hourly/daily/weekly] [value #] [role].set role income hourly 100 Moderators .set roleincome remove Boostersadds or removes roleincome.
.set betamax/min [value #].set betamax 10 .set betmin 1set a new maximum and minimum for bets in gambling.
.set activity valmax/activity valmin [value #].set activity valmax 100 .set activity galmin 1sets new maximum and minimum currency earned per message when typing in a activity channel and not on cooldown
.set activity channels #channel.set activity channels #chat-1 #chat-2 #chat-3toggles mentioned channels for activity chat currency earning
miscellaneous administrative commandsthese commands require ‘Manage Server’ permissions
.event start <#channel> [value #] <description>.event start 100 .event start #general 300start a currency reaction event in the channel you typed in or specified channel
.event end <#channel>.event end .event end #generalends a currency event in channel you typed in or specified channel
.modify bal add/remove/+/- [value #] [user].modifybal + 100 @iara#0001 .modify bal add 300 iara .modifybal – 100 iara#0001 .modify bal remove 500 @iara#0001adds/remove balance of a user
.modify global add/remove/+/- [value #] [role].modify global + 100 mods .modify global add 500 @Moderators .modify global – 1000 ModerAtors .modify global remove 10000 mutedadds/remove balance of those in a specified role
.reset all [options (confirm, settings, events, shop, inventory, balances)].reset all confirm .reset all settings .reset all setting .reset all event .reset all shop .reset all events .reset all inventories .reset all inventoryresets the argument you put in (note: plural doesn’t matter in this command), for inventories, balances, settings, events or the shop, or all at once (confirm).
.reset [user].reset iara#0001resets a user’s balance
.reset balance/inventory [user].reset balance iara#0001reset a user’s balance or inventory
mod util commandsthese commands require special corresponding permissions, e.g. manage channels permission
.autoresponder add/+ [trigger] | [response].autoresponder add hi mimu! | Hello {user}!add an autoresponder to Mimu
.autoresponder remove/- [trigger].autoresponder remove hi mimu! .autoresponder – hi mimu!remove an autoresponder to mimu
.autoresponder show [trigger].autoresponder show hi mimu!show an autoresponder
.embed.embedgives details on how embeds can be used, edited and worked on
.embed create [name].embed create greetcreates an embed of such a name. The name is used as a key to refer to in autoresponders, greet messages, and when editing the embed. To attach it to these, use {embed:[name]}, for example, {embed:greet}.
.embed edit [property] [name] [value] | <for some properties, the link is put here>.Embed edit title greet Welcome!Edits the embed’s property.
.embed properties.embed propertiesShows the embed properties
crisis commandsthese commands don’t require specific permissions
.crisis [country name].crisis usa .crisis japanview crisis hotlines for a specified country

Mimu Bot Discord default settings

Take notice that this article doesn’t quite list each possible option. That was an old standard-setting topic. Always review the collection for revised details.

configuration namedefault settings
daily valmax60
daily valmin30
daily cooldown1440 (mins)
work cooldown60 (mins)
embed colourdefault baby blue

Mimu Bot isn’t working for you?

Check to see if the bot is included among the users. The bot does not have access to your current channel if it is not visible. Send a card, such as Chromanticore, to the bot via direct messaging. If the bot responds, your server permissions are the problem.

Including an autoresponder in the mix:

  • You must use the autoresponder add trigger response command to add an autoresponder.
  • Mimu is “triggered” to reply with the response by the trigger.
  • When you text hi mimu, for example, you want Mimu to react with hey cutie.

Faqs On Mimu Bot Discord

How to add Mimu bot to my Discord server?

To add robots to your Discord Server, you should be a Superintendent.

  • Complete the form on the webpage of the robot you want to add. Then, from the drop-down option, choose Login.
  • Log in using your Discord credentials.
  • Select the appropriate options for your website, then select Authorize.
  • To finish the installation, continue the on-screen directions.

If you’re experiencing trouble accessing your location, help ensure you’re using the same internet you’re employing for the Bots’ homepage and Discord. Also, double-check that you’re registered with the correct profile.

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